About Us

Our platform is designed to not only prepare you for exams but also to connect you with exciting career opportunities in the vast and dynamic world of seafaring.

What We're All About

At Braadd Maritime Services, we are more than just an online review center; we are your compass for a thriving maritime career.

Learn Something Every Day

Our mission is to empower seafarers by providing top-notch review services that go beyond exam preparations.

Captain Douney Bacoy
Our Vision

Who We Are

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

At Braadd Maritime Services, our commitment is twofold – to provide top-notch review services that ensure your success in exams and to open doors to promising career paths in the maritime industry.

We are more than just an online review center; we are your compass for a thriving maritime career. Our platform is designed to not only prepare you for exams but also to connect you with exciting career opportunities in the vast and dynamic world of seafaring. 

Braadd Maritime Services stands as a beacon of support and guidance for seafarers worldwide,
offering a comprehensive suite of services aimed at facilitating learning, and propelling the maritime industry forward.